orion hitek is a know-how company in orlando, central florida, with two major areas of expertise:
high-class, professional web site design and development - static or
interactive - as well as pc-based measuring/testing systems.
diese webseite ist aber auch das virtuelle zuhause der orion control,
einer deutschen firma mit dem schwerpunkt auf pc-gestützter meßtechik,
speziell der software pps701.
this web site uses css to present the content in the best possible manner. if you can see this message, then
css (or javascript) is not enabled in your browser, and the page will not appear as the
designer intended.
the numbers are staggering:
internet use in the united states is growing at a rate of 2 million new internet
users each month, according to a study by the
u.s. government (february 2002).
the worldwide internet population (may 2006) is estimated to be 1,08 billion (computer industry almanac), with online retail revenues reaching 200 billion (june 2006), and consumers poised to spend 50% more online (may 2006).
while the global power of the internet is largely recognized, another study has found that many american consumers use the web to connect with local service-based businesses.
as a company, your competition
on the web is not limited to your area, and not limited to other companies in your industry. with
millions of other sites out there, your competition for your customers' time and attention
is - every other web site.
it has to obey certain rules, and the most important ones are:
research shows that slow download speed is the number 1 irritant of web
people will bail out from a site if pages take too long to load. emarketer reports (nov. 1998)
how long people are willing to wait before they give up on a site:
users waiting | load time |
84% | 10 sec |
51% | 15 sec |
26% | 20 sec |
5% | 30 sec |
source: upsdell - browser news
please note: those numbers are from 1998 - that equals 30 'outside world' years. my estimate is that users will wait about half the time that is mentioned here.
if your site does not load fast enough, the customer will go elsewhere: all the competitors in the world are just one mouse click away.
simply said, if the customer can't find a product, then s/he will not buy it.
usability is the art of designing a web site in a way that [almost] every visitor finds what he or she is looking for with the least amount of hassle: ease of navigation, the design of a page within the structure of the whole site, the design of the content, the convenience to click and buy ...
without high-quality content someone might stumble upon your site, but will the visitor return?
not likely. it pays to utilize a good marketing company or a copy writer. but keep in mind: people
on the web don't read: they scan. text for a web site has to be edited for the web.
means that a web site offers endless possibilities to adapt to the actual situation: change of address? no problem. new sales special for this month? no problem. updated content? no problem.
the key is that a web site can be changed and updated in a very short time - and that the visitors expect that.
there are a lot of other considerations:
and all those things that change every few weeks or months ...
the internet is a very fast-paced environment. the saying goes that one year on the internet is like seven years in the 'outside world' - and this is one of the reasons why sites like amazon.com cost about a million us$ each year - for maintenance alone.
yes, the prices. we provide you with our price list, because we know:
our prices are average, but our service is excellent!
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design & programming copyright © 2000 - 2002 orion hitek. all rights reserved.